Course Introduction

by Cecil Ramnaraine

After looking at the research on Peace Education, the author has concluded that it is time for school administrators and teachers to implement a curriculum for Peace Education. This means not just teaching about peace and providing information on peace problems. It means implementing the methods and means where by peace can be practiced in the classroom. Peace must be openly espoused and taught to our students. We cannot depend on subliminal, incidental learning or hidden curriculum. Peace must be actively pursued by both teachers and students in all parts of educational system. Peace must become an inter-disciplinary exercise in order to be integrated into our attitude and behavior.

Peace is defined here as far more than a personal calm in mind and body. Peace is defined as racial equality rather than racial discrimination, equality among all peoples rather than social and economic hierarchy, equality between the sexes rather than male dominance over females, co-operation rather than competition sharing our food and other world resources rather than wasting and hoarding, preserving nature rather than exploiting her, self-mastery and self-understanding rather than just control and power over others, and to use the skills and the talents of every human being for the love and care of all other things.



The Peace Curriculum for

-High School & Undergraduate Course

-Grades 1-6

-A brief introduction to the History of Non-Violence

About the Author
Peace and Non-Violence